Planning Board

The Planning Board, appointed by the Select Board, is comprised of five regular members and one associate member. One of the regular members is elected as Chair and another is elected Vice Chair.  

The primary goal of the Planning Board is to protect and preserve the character and the quality of life that defines Belmont. The Board addresses issues that may affect the future of Belmont. These may include drafting zoning proposals, studying land-use patterns, reviewing traffic concerns, and evaluate specific development projects. The Board is responsible for holding public hearings on all zoning amendments as well as for applications for Design and Site Plan Review. The Board often operates in conjunction with the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board also makes interpretations of the Zoning By-Law at the request of the Inspector of Buildings.

The Planning Board typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Select Board Meeting Room, Town Hall, at 7 p.m., however, it is recommended to check the Town's Meeting Calendar on the Town's web site to confirm the date and time. All meetings are open to the public.

You can watch Belmont Planning Board meeting LIVE on Tuesday 7 p.m., and repeats on Tuesday 12 p.m., Thursday 8:30 p.m. and Friday 2 p.m. Ch 8 (Comcast) Ch 28 (Verizon). Watch past Planning Board meetings on the Belmont Media Center.

Board Members

Jeffrey Birenbaum Full Member, Term Expiring 2023
Thayer DonhamFull Member, Term Expiring 2023
Rui "Renee" GuoFull Member, Term Expiring 2024
Taylor YatesFull Member, Term Expiring 2024
Carol Ann BerberianFull Member, Term Expiring 2025
Andrew OsbornAssociate Member, Term Expiring 2025

Chris Ryan, Town Planner - Design & Site Plan Review (DSPR) Cases
Ara Yogurtian, Inspector of Buildings - Special Permit Cases

Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Ara Yogurtian (617) 993-2650
Christopher Ryan (617) 993-2650