Community Preservation Committee

Next Meeting will be 07/10/2024


Joey’s Park – Rebuilt in 2014 through CPA funds and private donations


On November 2, 2010, Belmont voted to adopt the Community Preservation Act (CPA). The CPA provides a funding source for Open Space (including outdoor Recreational Land), Community Housing, and Historic Resources.

Belmont raises money for its Community Preservation Fund by imposing a 1.5% surcharge on local real estate taxes.  Belmont collects close to $1 million/year from the property tax surcharge.  Additionally, each year the state distributes limited matching funds to the towns that have passed the CPA.  These funds are collected from existing fees on real estate transactions at the Registry of Deeds.

Meet Belmont Podcast overview of Community Preservation Committee


The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) recommends projects to Town Meeting regarding the appropriation of CPA funds.  Preliminary Applications for CPA funds are generally available in the summer and due in September/October. Final Applications are generally due in late November.  Sponsors of projects are encouraged to speak or meet with the CPC committee ahead of these deadlines.  Further information is available in Belmont's Community Preservation Plan.



The CPC meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30PM via Zoom.


Member:Term: Position:Appointed By:
Carol Berberian2025 Planning Board
David Lind2023 Recreation Commission *

Jacqueline Appel 

2025 Historic District Commission
Gloria Leipzig2023 Housing Authority
Elizabeth Dionne2025ChairParks Commissioner
Juliet Jenkins2024SecretarySelect Board
Margaret Velie2023Vice-ChairConservation Commission
Anne Marie Mahoney2026 Select Board
Aaron Pikcilingis 2025 Select Board

* Recreation Commission member designated by the Select Board

Staff Contacts

Matt HaskellAdmin Coordinator for CPC(617) 993-2616